8 sets of 3 ring muscle ups transitions
Strict, with no dip out of the catch
Work with your coach to practice strict muscle up transition work, with no dip at the top. Take about a minute or two of rest between each set. Below is a list of strict transition drills from easiest to hardest.
Low ring transitions, feet on the floor
Low ring transitions, banded
High ring transitions, banded
High ring transitions, unassisted
Workout of the Day
6 rounds:
1 minute of overhead lunges
10 seconds of rest
1 minute of calories
10 seconds of rest
Use a very light weight on the overhead lunges; these are more about putting you in the overhead position to focus on balance and stability than they are about building strength. Make it your goal for this workout to move through the entire minute on every round of calories. No need to get off early with the built-in transition interval.
standard: 55/45
rx: 75/55
sport: 95/65
metcon: 12×1:00 on, 0:10 off