6 sets of deadlift:
2 tempo plus 2 regular
Tempo: fast up, 3 second hold, 3 second descent, touch and go
Target ~75%
Be dilligent about your tempo for the first two reps of each set, then drop the tempo and finish with 2 regular reps. Feel free to push past 75%, but save it for the last set or two, and don’t go so heavy that you lose your tempo or your positioning.
Workout of the Day
AMRAP in 12 minutes:
5-10-15-20-25… etc
After each round of burpees, complete 12 push jerks
Use a push jerk weight that makes you break up the 12 reps into about 2 quick sets. If you’re using a light enough weight that you can finish them easily unbroken the whole way, then you’ll be spending all your time on the burpees. It’s not the worst possible outcome, but it might feel that way.
standard: 85/55
rx: 115/85
sport: 135/95
metcon: 3×3:30 on, 0:30 off