January 16, 2025


7 sets of 4 strict pull ups
Banded, unassisted, or weighted

Rest about a minute between sets

Keep the same weight on today’s 7×4 that you did for last week’s 10×3. You could even consider adding another 2.5 to 5 pounds if that was easy for you. Make sure you leave room to grow on next week’s 10×3 though.

Workout of the Day

5 rounds:
1:30 to complete 14/10 calories, then max power cleans in remainder
1:30 rest

Add up your total power cleans completed at the end of the workout (don’t count any calories towards your total).

Push the pace on the machine to buy yourself time to complete power cleans. You have a full 90 seconds of rest each round, so try to hang on to an aggressive pace on the bar. Consider doing some sets of touch and go reps, even if you wouldn’t typically take that pace at this weight.

standard: 95/65
rx: 135/95
sport: 155/105
metcon: 5×1:30 on, 1:30 off

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