January 17, 2025


6 rounds:
15 second ring support OR 3 banded low ring muscle ups (no dip)
20 second L-sit
20 second arch hold

Rest about a minute between rounds

We’re getting a little extra core and shoulder work in on top of some optional muscle up practice today. If you found a muscle up drill you were comfortable with last week then you can start each round with one set of that before you move on to the floor for your holds. If you’d prefer to keep it simple and practice the ring support hold, then start each round there.

Workout of the Day

AMRAP in 16 minutes:
12 push ups
12 Russian kettlebell swings
20 box jumps
12 Russian kettlebell swings

Use a heavier weight on the kettlebell swings than you otherwise would; Russian kettlebell swings are only to shoulder height, so you’ll be able to push the load a bit. This is also a good chance to modify the push ups to a challenging difficulty, with only 12 reps per round.

standard: 16/12 kg KB, 20/12 inch box
rx and sport: 32/24 kg KB, 24/20 inch box
metcon: 4×3:00 on, 1:00 off

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