6 sets of 4 deadlift
Target 80%, or up 5-10 pounds from two weeks ago.
We’ve fully dropped the tempo reps out of our sets here; use the opportunity to make a very small jump in weight over what you used last time. Try to hold the same weight across all 6 sets if reasonable.
Workout of the Day
AMRAP in 14 minutes:
21 sit ups
14 kettlebell swings
7 strict presses
Scale the strict presses to a weight at which you think you can do most of the rounds unbroken. It’s ok if you do break them up, but you should at least be confident that you have a shot. Use a relatively light kettlebell for the swings; these should also likely be unbroken the whole time.
standard: 65/45 pound bar, 16/12 kg KB
rx: 95/65 pound bar, 24/16 kg KB
sport: 115/85 pound bar, 28/20 kg KB
metcon: 7×1:40 on, 0:20 off