About 10 minutes of handstand practice
Have some fun working on handstand skills or strength/stability drills with your coach! If you aren’t sure what to practice, talk to them and they’ll help you get sorted. Below is a list of drills in roughly ascending order of difficulty.
Box shoulder stand
Box pike handstand hold
Wall walk
Handstand kick up against the wall
Crow stand
Freestanding handstand kick up practice
Handstand walk
Freestanding handstand hold
Freestanding sequence: Hold, short walk, pirouette, repeat
Workout of the Day
AMRAP in 8 minutes:
30 double unders
4 thrusters
Use a very challenging thruster weight today; you should be right on the edge of being able to do all of your sets unbroken, and it’s ok if you do have to break it into 2 quick doubles at some point during the workout. Scale the jump rope to take no more than about 45 seconds per round. This workout is only 8 minutes, so try to take a slightly quicker pace than you would on a longer effort.
standard: 85/55
rx: 115/85
sport: 135/95
metcon: 4×1:40 on, 0:20 off