Tuesday, February 5th

Hey All! It’s Tuesday! Remember that our 5:30 class is dedicated to Olympic Lifting. Regular CrossFit Classes are at 4:45 or 6:30! 

Evening classes have been super full lately!  We love having all of you in the gym and we want to thank you all for being patient with us while we work on making changes to bring you guys the best gym we possibly can!  Thank you for your continued willingness to share your space/barbells/platforms etc. YOU ALL make CFD an amazing place! 


3 Sets for Max Effort of
Strict HSPU
3×5 Weighted Push-ups
3×5 Strict Weighted Dips



for time

400M run Then

3 rounds of 

9  Push Press 115/75
12 Box Jumps 
15 Mountain Climbers (2 Count)

then 400M run