May 12, 2014


E2MOM for 14 Minutes

3 Power Snatch

Work up to a light to moderate weight and perform 7 rounds of 3 power snatches every 2 minutes. Try to do your reps touch and go if you can. Make sure you are dropping underneath the bar to catch it a partial squat. Increase weight from last time if all 21 of your repetitions were perfect. If you are new to weightlifting start light and increase weight if the lifts are going well.


AMRAP in 12 Minutes
30 Wall Ball Shots 20/14lbs 10/9′
15 Box Jumps 24/20″

Off Ramp WOD

AMRAP in 12 Minutes
15 Wall Ball Shots
15 Step ups

Scale this workout by throwing a smaller medicine ball and/or hitting a lower target but also consider smaller sets if you are brand new to CrossFit.  Bigger sets are harder!





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