EMOM for 10 Minutes
Power Clean + Push Press + Split Jerk
Today’s skill work is a power clean + push press+ push jerk complex. The limiting factor here will be the push press for most athletes. Your 1RM jerk will usually be a bit higher than your push press but you should find the difficulty of the lift to be enhanced a bit due to the push press. Use this as technique practice for your Split Jerk with a little fatigue. Choose a weight that you can maintain through all 10 minutes. If you choose to add weight as you go make sure that you only do so if you are catching the bar in a power position with your feet under your hips and that you are still able to push press the weight rather than dropping under the bar like you would with a push jerk. Focus on quick elbows and dropping under the bar for the power clean. On the push press keep your chest up in the dip and squeeze your legs and butt as you drive the bar over head.
AMRAP in 10 Minutes
9 Burpees
6 Power Clean 135/95 lb
3 Push Press 135/95lb
Workout notes: Today’s workout is a triplet with 9 burpees and 9 reps of a barbell movement. The push press will most likely be the deciding factor for your load on the bar. You’ll want the load to be in the 60% range of your max effort and definitely something you can do for a set of 3. The rep count is low in each round so do your best to transition quickly and keep a steady pace from movement to movement. Remember to rest before your last clean prior to performing your push presses!