April 6, 2016


AMRAP in 5 Minutes
Strict Pull-ups

Today’s skill work is 5 minutes of strict pull-ups.   Take as many sets as you need to and complete as many reps as possible during that time.  If you are someone who does not quite have a strict pull-up yet try to progress to a lighter band or perform ring rows. We have done pull-ups in this time frame many times but now we’re not assigning a rest period.  That means you should manage the rest your self.  5 minutes is a LONG time for one movement so start with really small sets and give yourself rest early on so you can avoid hitting singles early. With that being said go for it!

4 Rounds for reps with 1 minute on each station.

2 Arm Dumbbell Step ups 45/30 lb 24/20″
Rowing for calories

Workout notes: Today’s workout will be scored as you would the workout “Fight Gone Bad”.  Count your total number of reps at each station  and come up with  total score for the entire workout.  It would very easy to game the workout by not giving full effort on the first movement but that is not the intent of this format! In this instance we are starting with the harder movements and progressing to a more aerobic movement and finishing with a “recovery” row.  Your row pace will not be as fast as it would be if you went for an all out row but do push it in that final minute of each round!


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