July 31, 2016


for time
500M Uneven Farmer Carry
50 Burpee Box Jump Overs 24/20″
1000M Run

Workout notes: This workout is all about the big numbers and being outside!  The 500M run is all the way around the property starting and ending at the roll up door.  Challenge yourself with a difficult load for each arm and rotate the lighter and heavier object as you see fit.  This workout is a chipper so after you come in the door transition into a large volume of burpee box jump overs. Adding the box jump to the burpee significantly increases the difficulty so be conservative and jump to a lower box if needed or step over.  Please note that you do not need to (and it’s probably not a good idea) to jump all the way over.  Safely land on top of the box and transition over to the other side.  Finish with an all out run down to cantrill and back.  If you are new scale the load on the carries and cut the burpee volume in half!

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