Strict weighted pull-up with pause at top of pull-up
Spend some time today focusing on strict pull-up strength. Hold your chin over the bar momentarily after you reach the top of your pull-up and then practice a controlled descent for every rep. Start with a very manageable weight ans increase for every set if possible. If you are using a band choose one that makes the 2 reps challenging and try to implement the pause at the top. If you are doing ring rows, pause momentarily with the rings in contact with your chest for each rep and perform 8 sets of 5-10. If you can do strict pull-ups but using weight is too much of a challenge you can do bodyweight pull-ups with a pause and choose a number that you can repeat for 8 sets.
5 Rounds of 3 Minutes work 1 Minute Rest
3-6-9 …
Thruster 95/65 lb
Lateral Burpee Over the Bar
Workout notes: Today we have an interval workout in the format of the famous workout “The Chief”. In this version we are doing a couplet of thrusters and burpees. We are starting with a set of three for both movements and adding three reps every round. The rounds and your time in each interval is short so move quickly and practice keeping up your intensity level. Consider each round as a short AMRAP and complete as many reps as possible in each three minute period. For each round you will start with the three’s and climb as high as possible. In “The Chief” we generally count completed rounds and have a separate score for your additional reps completed. In this workout we will score the workout by completed repetitions. At the end of 19 minutes you should have one large number with your total number of reps completed across all 5 rounds.