AMRAP in 20 minutes
4 Strict Pull-Ups
6 Deficit Push-Ups 45/25lb
8 Alternating Pistol squats
100M Run
Workout notes: Today’s workout follows the format of the famous CrossFit workout “Cindy” where we have an AMRAP of pull-ups, push-ups and squats but in this version we’re upping the ante by making each movement a little bit more difficult. We also add a 100M run. The run will act as recovery if you find the movements challenging but experienced athletes can push the pace on the run to get a more metabolic effect in the workout. You will want to scale each movement to one that is challenging to you for the pull-ups, that means anything from a jumping pull-up to ring rows, but you want to keep each round challenging and preserve the stimulus of a strict strength movement. Deficit push-ups will be scaled by maximal depth you can achieve while performing a standard push-up. For some athletes this might mean just working from the floor rather than scaling to your knees. The one legged squat is a difficult movement that requires a great deal of strength, coordination and mobility and will present the biggest challenge for most of us. There are many ways to scale this movement. Use a box and perform one-legged step ups and lower downs if needed.