July 19, 2017


EMOM for 10 Minutes
Straight Set or :30 seconds of Chest to Bar Pull-Ups

For the skill work today we are working on maintaining a set of chest to bar pull-ups for 10 rounds.  If you aren’t quite yet able to perform sets of this skill feel free to jump up for two small sets to get some extra reps in but make sure not to work for anymore that 30 seconds per round. Keep in mind that you will be completing 10 rounds of this skill so even 3-5 reps will add up to quite a few pull-ups.  Watch your hands and switch to strict pull-ups or ring rows if needed.  If you are still working on building the strength to be able to do a chest-to-bar pull up you can choose to work on regular chin over bar pull-ups, kipping swings, ring rows, jumping pull-ups with a slow lower down or a combination of any of these skills!


For time
Box Jump 24/20″

Workout Notes: While yesterday’s workout was predominantly barbell, today is all bodyweight. Scale the push-ups as needed so that you can maintain good form and get through the reps at a decent pace.  Keep your torso tight and make sure that your chest taps the ground for each rep whether you are working from your toes or your knees here.  Don’t be afraid to break up your reps early and often to keep the pace quick on your push-ups.  Do your best to hold yourself with whatever standard you start with even if that means working in sets of 2 or 3 or even singles.  Move smooth and safe on the box jumps focusing on landing softly on the top of the box with an upright chest and weight in your heels. Scale your box height to something you feel comfortable jumping to rather than stepping up to a higher box.

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