September 8, 2017


EMOM for 10 Minutes

[odd] 20-30 second handstand hold
[even] 40 seconds of double unders

Our skill work is a great opportunity to refine two common movements. You’ll have a total of 5 opportunities each to work on a handstand hold and double unders.  Keep in mind we have a high volume of push-up reps during the workout so go easy on the shoulders and use this as part of your warm up.  For beginners you can practice kicking up on the wall and holding for a moderate effort.  To really refine your handstand hold you want to do a wall facing handstand with your body up to the wall keeping your midline as tight as possible.


AMRAP in 15 Minutes

20 Push-ups
15 Box Jump 24/20″
100M Run

Workout notes: Today we have a time priority triplet with no barbell or weighted movements! We have a high volume of push-ups in each round which will most likely represent the most difficult challenge for you.  Push-ups will become increasingly difficult with fatigue so introduce more rest rather than scaling to an easier method.  There is a bit of recovery built in with each movement so push the pace a bit at each station.

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