December 3, 2017

[creativ_alertbox icon=”” colour=”theme” custom_colour=””]The Hometown Hoedown IV was a huge success!! Thank you to everyone who participated in any way! We are so grateful for the amazing community at CFD! [/creativ_alertbox]


Tabata Row for calories
Tabata Box jump
Tabata Air Assault Bike for calories
Tabata Double Unders

Workout notes: Today we have a delicious pairing of monstructural and plyometric conditioning movements. Our workout is 32 intervals of 20 seconds on and 10 seconds off.  You’ll complete 8 consecutive rounds at each station completing as many reps as possible in each 20 second work period. Use this opportunity to practice a consistent work:rest pace.  You have set work and rest periods so maintain a strong effort during each work period and use each 10 second rest to recover for your next round.  There is no rest scheduled as you transition movements so plan your for this during your workout.  Your score for this workout will be your total reps completed across all 32 rounds.

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