December 10, 2017


5 Rounds with one minute on each station

Barbell Overhead Squats 45/35 lb
Kettlebell Sumo deadlift High Pull 24/16 kg
Double Unders
Two arm dumbbell Push Press 35/20 lb
Row for calories

Workout notes:  Today’s workout is in the format of the classic CrossFit workout “Fight Gone Bad”.  We’re trading the barbell movements for odd objects and wall ball shots for the difficult overhead squat.  The overhead squat requires a great deal of mobility and coordination so working with an unloaded barbell, training bar or PVC is a great way to learn the movement.  Practice keeping your shoulders internally rotated with your chest up throughout the entire range of motion. If shoulder mobility is an issue scale the movement to front squats.  You will score your workout by the total number of repetitions you complete across all 5 rounds to come up with one big score at the end.  The benchmark loads for this workout are on the lighter side but we’re working for an additional 2 rounds over what is normally in Fight Gone Bad so start out at moderate pace rather than going all out early and try to maintain your effort throughout.

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