6 Rounds for reps with 1 minute on each station
Wall Ball shots 20/14 lb
Row for calories
Workout notes: This workout will be scored like you would score the workout “Fight Gone Bad”. Count your total reps on each station across all 6 rounds and come up with a total score. Remember that even though you only have one minute on each station you will be working for a total of 18 minutes in a 23 minute workout so don’t go all out in those first rounds. Start out at a steady pace and try to maintain your workload across all 6 rounds. If you are unable to get your toes to the bar while keeping the rhythm of your kip, lower your target so that you are able to work on the skill of linking your reps rather than slower reps just to get your toes to the bar. Each round will end on the rower so work hard during this last minute and then do your best to recover during your minute off.