EMOM for 10 Minutes
2 Hang Squat Clean
Spend a few minutes working on the the hang squat clean. Start by deadlifting the barbell into the hang position and pausing at full extension. From there lower the bar to the mid thighs and open the hips to create vertical hip drive and drop under the bar and stand up for each rep. This lift is difficult as it requires a high level of control as you violently open the hips to generate some momentum on the bar in order to drop under. The challenge for most lifters will be in pulling the bar back into the receiving position as as you drop under. As always, start light and increase only if you have the mechanics down.
4 Rounds with 1 minute on each station
Air-assault for calories
Kettlebell Swing 32/24 kg
Wall ball shots 20/14 lb 10/9′
Workout notes: Today’s workout will be scored as you would score the workout “Fight Gone Bad”. Add up your total reps on all three stations to come up with one big number at the end of the workout. You’ll spend a minute on each station but the total workout time is long so moderate your intensity so you can work at a sustainable rate. All three movements are difficult conditioning skills so break up your reps early and be sure not to go all out on the bike!