June 1, 2018


EMOM for 10 Minutes

1 Slow pull power clean + power clean

Today’s skill work is a barbell complex with two styles of power clean. Start by pulling the bar from the floor keeping your hips low and back upright while practicing accelerating from the floor in a slow and controlled fashion. As the bar passes your knees, violently open the hips to create vertical drive and quickly drop into a receiving position.  Reset the bar on the floor and perform a full speed power clean hitting the same positions as the slow pull.  This is positional work so use a challenging weight but remember that you should be below maximal effort.


AMRAP in 10 Minutes

10 Push-ups
7 Toe-to-bar
4 Deadlifts 275/185 lb

Workout notes

Our metcon for the day is a triplet with two gymnastic movements and a heavier than usual benchmark weight on the barbell.  The barbell prescription for this workout recommends a heavier weight than we see in a higher rep metcon. Warm up to a weight you could perform for a set of four without fatigue. Ideally you are able to complete the deadlifts in one set while fresh and deep into the workout as well. If you find that you need to compensate by bending your back during the deadlifts or if you are forced to resort to singles, you have gone too heavy! Scale push-ups to a standard you can maintain for ten minutes.  Avoid progressively scaling by making the push-ups easier as you fatigue during the workout.  The same goes for the toe-to-bar. Use a standard you can maintain with minimal rest when you get tired. If toe-to-bar are not happening today scale to knee raises or some form of sit-up.


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