June 11, 2018


EMOM for 10 Minutes
Hang power clean + power clean (no TnG)

Today’s skill work is a barbell complex that starts with the more difficult of the two movements. Deadlift the bar to full extension then lower the bar to above your knees and clean the bar to the shoulders.  Follow that with a clean from the floor. Try to get both lifts in within about 20 seconds so that you are following the hang clean rather quickly.  This is positional work so we want to practice hitting the same positions in both lifts but the short rest between the hang clean and clean from the floor should allow you to test a load that is a bit heavier than you might use in the workout.


3 rounds for time
50 Double unders
35 Sit-ups
20 Alternating one arm dumbbell hang power clean & jerks 50/35 lb

Workout notes

We’re serving hang cleans in two ways today! Our WOD has us moving a light dumbbell from the hang to overhead position while we alternate arms for every completed rep. If you are deciding to go “unbroken” transfer the dumbbell just as it passes below your face. The bodyweight portion of this workout is a couplet of double unders and sit-ups.  Work through those movements quickly  at a continuous pace and try to  complete the dumbbell portion of the workout in the smallest number of sets possible

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