June 12, 2018


EMOM for 10 Minutes
[odd] Max set of kipping pull-ups or straight set kipping swings
[even] 30 seconds of alternating pistols or one leg step ups

We have two difficult skills on the menu today. You will have five opportunities to practice kipping swings/pull-ups and one legged squats.  If you already have the kipping skill mastered use this opportunity to attempt larger sets of pull-ups.  Use the first two rounds to build to a large number and try an all out set in one of the middle rounds.  Remember that “Max set” doesn’t mean you should go to failure! Test your skill level but stay under control and keep yourself safe!  On the even minutes work on some one legged squats.  The movement requires good mobility combined with unilateral strength. Most of us will be unfamiliar with the movement so scaling may be necessary.  Use a box to perform one legged step ups or if you are close try holding onto the rig for assistance.


Two rounds of Tabata alternating between
Two arm dumbbell Thrusters 50/35 lb

Workout notes

We’ll be using the Tabata timer today for a total of 8 minutes.  You have 16 rounds to complete 20 seconds of work followed by 10 seconds rest.  We’ll alternate between both movements with no rest between stations. This workout will be scored by total reps accumalated across all 16 rounds so count every rep and you will end up with one large number in the end of the workout.

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