June 15, 2018


EMOM for 10 Minutes
2 Squat snatches

For today’s skill work we are working on snatch doubles.  Do your best to drop into as deep of a squat as possible for each repetition.  Mobility might be the limiting factor with how deep your squat is.  Test your limits but remember to go only as deep into the squat as your range of motion allows you.  These reps do not need to be performed as touch and go but do follow yourself within a few seconds if you are performing singles and use most of each minute for rest.


AMRAP in 7 Minutes
10 Wall ball shot 20/14 lb 10/9′
5 Push-ups

Workout notes

The total rep count is low in each round but combining push-ups with wall ball shots will be similar to a “hero” style workout where both movements have a similar stimulus.  Be prepared for the push-ups to feel a little harder than normal even though we’re only tackling five per round. For your wall ball weight and target use a benchmark with which you can do ten unbroken easily when fresh!


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