Tabata Strict HSPU
Rest 1 minute
Tabata alternating pistols or one leg step ups
We have two very difficult skills to tackle today. We’ll start with a full eight rounds of Tabata strict HSPU then rest one minute and transition to another round of Tabata working on one-legged squats or step ups. The Tabata interval is eight rounds of twenty seconds work and ten seconds rest. Scale strict HSPU to one or two abmats first or pike push-ups with your feet on the floor or on a box. Pistols can be scaled by holding on to a squat rack post or by performing one-legged step ups on a box. If you opt for step ups, alternate legs every 20 seconds rather than every rep.
AMRAP in 7 minutes
1-2-3-4-5-6 …
Hang power clean 135/95 lb
push jerk 135/95 lb
Workout notes
Our WOD is a short but difficult time priority couplet with an ascending rep scheme. Your score will be the final number of reps where you finish both movements in a round and any additional reps in an incomplete round. Both movements will require you to hang on to the barbell and to complete each round in large sets so be conservative and go a little lighter than you might if you encountered a workout where you were able to perform single repetitions of barbell work. Test both movements during your warm up and guarantee you could do at least a set of five of each movement unbroken when you are fresh. Break up the workout however you see fit but if you find that you are unable to do the early rounds without breaking up the reps, your barbell is loaded to heavily.