EMOM for 10 Minutes
1 Squat snatch with pause below the knees
Our skill work today focuses on the difficult Squat snatch. In this version we’ll practice the lift with a pause below the knees after your take the bar off of the floor. The purpose of this drill is to practice raising the bar off the floor with the hips and shoulders traveling together. After performing the pause finish the first pull and violently open the hips creating vertical drive on the bar. Drop under the bar as you would with any other snatch. If mobility is an issue or you are new to the lift catch the bar overhead and slowly ride the bar down into your deepest squat. Adding the pause will increase the difficulty of the movement so plan on going a little lighter than you would with a vanilla snatch EMOM and consider that this positional work so the intent is not for you to max out.
for time
Kettlebell swings 32/24 kg
Left leg box step ups 24/20″
Right leg box step ups 24/20″
Workout notes
Today’s workout is a time priority couplet with a bodyweight movement and a light weightlifting movement. We have a large number of kettlebell swings so use a weight you know you can get through each round in at least two to three sets. After you finish your swings you’ll perform a straight set of one legged step ups on each leg. The step ups probably look simple on paper but completing a large set without alternating is a difficult task! Start out with a steady cadence and try to keep moving at a pace you can sustain during each round.