Tabata kipping pull-ups
1 Minute rest
Tabata hollow hold
We’re working on two basic gymnastic movements today. We’ll use the Tabata interval timer which is eight rounds of twenty seconds work and ten seconds rest. For most of us that will be one set of pull-ups or kipping swings in every round. Start at a moderate effort and try to maintain the same number of reps for all four minutes. Take a minute rest and work on holding your best hollow hold for as much of the work period as possible for another eight rounds. If you want to decrease the difficulty pull back one or both knees but keep your core in the hollow position!
AMRAP in 15 Minutes
5 Deadlift 275/185 lb
10 Lateral burpees over the bar
15 Sit-up
Workout notes
Today’s workout has a slightly heavier barbell load than what you might see in a light weight metcon. If you feel you are ready to test out a heavier weight than normal make sure you can complete five reps in a row without breaking at the low back. Whatever weight you choose it should not be so heavy that you have to perform single repetitions from the start or compromise your safety to complete a round. The deadlifts are paired with two bodyweight movements that will give you time to recover a bit from the difficult lifting task.