October 9, 2018


EMOM for 10 Minutes
3 TnG Clean & Jerks

We’re working on weightlifting in today’s skill work.  You will have ten opportunities to practice “Touch and Go” Clean & Jerks.  That means you’ll be hanging onto the bar for all three reps.  Your weight on the bar for this work should be on the lighter side,  Similar to something you might use in a higher rep metcon.  Practice efficient movement and controlling the bar during the descent rather than going heavy like you might do in positional or max effort lifting.


for time
Front squats 135/95 lb
Lateral burpees over the bar

Workout notes

This workout is a five round couplet with a descending rep scheme for both movements.  With a descending rep scheme the intent is to keep the intensity high by lowering the reps as you fatigue.  Do your best to maintain large sets of front squats and practice quick reps when it comes to the burpees.  This workout is meant to be a sprint so don’t leave anything on the table!

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