5 rounds of 3 Minutes on 2 minutes off
20 Box Jumps 24/20 ”
Max reps squat clean thrusters 135/95 lb
Workout notes
Today we have an interval style workout of five, three minute rounds. Each three minute period starts with a buy in of twenty box jumps. With your remaining time complete as many squat clean thrusters as possible. Rest two minutes between rounds and restart each round with twenty box jumps. Your score will be the total number of squat clean thrusters you complete after all five rounds are completed. The weight on your bar should be manageable for quick singles without too much rest between reps. You will want to be able to pick the bar up fairly quickly after getting through your 20 box jumps to start racking up reps. Scale this workout by choosing a shorter box to jump to and lighten the load on the barbell as needed.