October 23, 2018


EMOM for 10 Minutes
:30 seconds of pistols

Pistols are a unique challenge.  They require a lot of mobility and strength in order to perform them to full depth. Today we will be tackling this difficult skill, luckily there are MANY ways to scale this movement.  You can use a box and perform high box step ups with a slow negative or use assistance from a squat stand post, ring or band or use a low box to sit down to.  If you are close to being able to do pistols you might try wearing weightlifting shoes or sliding a small plate under the heel of your shoe to make things a bit easier.


AMRAP in 15 Minutes
10 toe-to-bar
5 dumbbell hang clean & jerk right arm 50/35 lb
5 dumbbell hang clean & jerk right arm 50/35 lb
100M Run

Workout notes

Today’s workout is a time priority triplet with a difficult gymnastic movement and dumbbell variation of a weightlifting movement we see quite often. Toe-to-bar can be scaled by performing knee-ups or some variation of sit-ups.   There are a total of ten dumbbell hang clean and jerks in each round.  We’ll complete five on each arm prior to setting out on a short run. Choose a dumbbell weight that allows you to complete five in a row with both arms while fresh.



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