1000M Run
50 alternating dumbbell snatch 50/35 lb
100 see the lights sit-ups 15/10 lb
50 alternating dumbbell snatch 50/35 lb
1000M Run
Workout notes
Today we have a pyramid style chipper with large sets of snatches and sit-ups. In total we will be doing a hundred of each sandwiched between one-thousand meter runs. Use a dumbbell snatch weight that allows you to perform large touch and go or single reps with a quick cadence. “See the lights” sit-ups are a movement we don’t see often and they are very difficult! Grab a light weight plate and extend your arms overhead throughout the sit-up. At the top of the rep your torso should be perpendicular to the floor with the plat overhead so that you can see the ceiling through the hole in the middle. When done correctly these will feel like weighted “strict” sit-ups as you won’t be able to throw your arms to help get the upper body off of the ground. Feel free to anchor your foot under the dumbbell if that helps you activate your hip flexors.