4 Rounds for time
75 Squats
50 M L-Arm pinch plate 25/15 lb
50 M R-Arm pinch plate 25/15 lb
25 Burpees
Workout notes
Today’s workout is a triplet with a large number of reps of both squats and burpees. We’re pairing those movements with a difficult “pinch-plate” carry. Hold a bumper plate at your side while only pinching it with your fingertips. Think of this a scaled up version of a farmer carry. Your grip will be taxed with this movement so set the plate down any time you need to but travel down to the wall using only one arm and switch to the other arm on your way back. If you are new to CrossFit or the total volume in this workout is outside what you are used to scale the total number of rounds down to two or three.