November 24, 2018

Normal hours today!


With a clock set for 18 minutes

2 Minutes of Power snatches 135/95 lb
2 Minutes to Run 200M
2 Minutes of Push jerks 135/95 lb
2 Minutes to Run 200M
2 Minutes of Power cleans 135/95 lb
2 Minutes to Run 200M
2 Minutes of Push jerks 135/95 lb
2 Minutes to Run 200M
2 Minutes of Power snatches 135/95 lb

Workout notes

For this workout you will have five opportunities to accumulate reps with the barbell starting and ending with snatches.  We have three barbell movements in today’s workout so we’ll spend some warming up for and reviewing each movement.  Most of us will have the most difficulty with the snatch or the jerk so use either lift to determine the weight you will use while warming up for all three.  Your score will be the total number of reps completed after finishing all nine rounds.  Between each barbell movement you will run 200M and rest with your remaining time.  Your goal for the runs should be to push the pace enough to get back with enough time to rest before your next barbell movement.  If the 200M distance doesn’t leave you with any time to rest prior to the next two minute window, scale that down to a 100M run.  For busy classes we can pair up on barbells and agree on a weight with one partner starting two minutes after the first.

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