December 5, 2018


2RM Strict weighted pull-up

Work up to a strong effort two rep max weighted pull-up.  Perform sets 0f 2 or more strict pull-ups without weight rather than kipping if you are not quite ready for weighted pull-ups.  If you do not have strict pull-ups yet perform 5-10 sets for max reps of supine ring rows, jumping pull-ups with a slow negative, banded pull-ups with as little assistance as possible or a combination of any of these 3 options.


AMRAP in 10 Minutes
2-4-6-8-10-12 …
Dumbbell hang clean & jerk 50/35 lb *
Box Jumps 24/20″

* does NOT need to alternate arms every rep

Workout notes

Similar to Monday, you will need one dumbbell and a box for this workout.  With the dumbbell we are performing increasing reps of hang clean & jerks.  The dumbbell will start from the hang  which means in does not need to touch the ground between reps.  Initiate the movement by opening up the hips like you would a kettlebell swing to drive the dumbbell upward to the shoulder before sending it overhead either using a jerk or a push press.  In this workout you do NOT need to alternate reps every round.  The means you can break up the reps anyway you like in order to keep moving.  However you decide to break up the reps, do your best to distribute the work evenly across both arms.  The rep scheme is ascending which will make those higher rep rounds more difficult than they would in a descending rep scheme so break up the clean and jerks early!

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