Every 90 seconds for 10 rounds
1 Power clean + 1 Push jerk + 1 Squat clean + 1 Split jerk
Today’s skill work has us working on a difficult barbell complex. You will have ten opportunities to complete a power clean and push jerk as well as a squat clean and a split jerk. This skill work has relatively few reps when compared to a barbell metcon so feel free to attempt a heavier weight than you might use for lighter barbell work. Touch and go is not necessary but try to complete both clean & jerks in quick succession to give yourself some rest leading into subsequent reps.
AMRAP in 7 Minutes *
* 6 Goblet Squats EMOM 32/24 kg
Workout notes
This workout will be scored by the total number of burpees you complete in seven minutes. We’ll knock out six goblet style squats with a kettlebell every minute on the minute for the entire workout. Use a kettlebell that you can complete all six reps in a row and stay fresh for the burpees. Do your best to work consistently when it comes to the burpees and establish a pace you can maintain for all seven minutes.