Every 90s for 12 rounds
20 Double unders then 1 squat clean
Today we have another round of alternate timing for our barbell work. We’ll use a ninety second interval timer and you will have twelve opportunities to work up to a strong effort squat clean. Start each round with an easy set of double unders. If you are proficient at the movement complete twenty and then move to the barbell for one lift. If you are still working on double unders scale the volume to a number you can complete in about twenty to thirty seconds. If the movement is new to you complete twenty single unders but attempt at least one double under. Give your self a thirty second cap so you have plenty of time to attempt a clean regardless of how the double unders go.
3 Rounds for time
20 One arm russian kettlebell swings 32/24 kg
15 Box Jumps 24/20″
Workout notes
This workout should fall into the sprint category for most of us. That means we’re looking for fast but efficient movement. Introducing the one arm swing complicates things a little bit as that movement a bit more difficult than its two armed cousin. Swinging the kettlebell with one hand takes away most of the pulling force from the arms and puts a premium on the glutes and low back. Break up each set of twenty by alternating arms as you see fit but do try to distribute the work evenly across both arms.