January 25, 2019


EMOM for 10 Minutes

1 Power snatch + 1 Squat snatch

Spend ten minutes working on a two rep barbell complex of snatches today.  We’ll start with a power snatch taking the barbell from the ground to overhead.  Catch the bar in a partial squat and finish the rep by standing tall. Reset the barbell on the floor and for your second rep of the complex do your best to catch the bar overhead while dropping into your deepest squat.   If mobility becomes an issue at this point you can catch the bar above parallel but try to push the depth as far as you are safely able to do so.


3 Rounds for time

400M Run
21 Power Snatch 95/65 lb
12 Overhead squats 95/65 lb

Workout notes

Your score for today’s workout will be the total time it takes for you to complete three rounds of a four hundred meter run and two barbell movements.  Both the power snatch and the overhead squat should be familiar after today’s skill work.  The suggested barbell load is on the lighter side so we’re looking for a barbell weight that gets you through each round of twenty-one in a small number of sets and the same goes for the overhead squat.  High rep snatches and overhead squats have their own unique difficulties so be sure to test out both movements with your chosen weight and scale based on the harder of the two.  If needed the overhead squat can be switched out for a front squat.

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