AMRAP in 30 Minutes
1000M Run
50 Front squats 45/35 lb
30 Pull-ups
Workout notes
The inspiration for today’s workout comes from the classic CrossFit workout “Jackie“. We have a long duration mono-structural movement paired with a light lifting movement and a large set of pull-ups. You’ll be able to complete multiple rounds with a thirty minute time cap so plan for a longer, endurance style metcon. That means you should start out at a sustainable effort and try to hold the same split times as the reps accumulate. The benchmark load for the front squats is an unloaded barbell which suggests a very light load. You should be able to knock out each set of fifty in at least two to three sets. To scale the squat load use a training bar or light dumbbells. Expect a little fatigue when you get to the pull-up bar so break that up into smaller sets and work through that section in smaller repeatable sets rather that going all out and hitting failure early on.