EMOM for 10 Minutes
30 seconds of strict handstand push-ups
Today we’re working on handstand push-ups in their strict form. Strict hspu require more strength than kipping so scale if you need to but keep the stimulus intact. Use a box and perform push-ups in a pike position if you are still building the strength. If you are just learning the movement using 1 or 2 abmats is okay but remove them over time as you gain proficiency. Focus on finding the same tripod position that you do in kipping hspu and keep your body tight as you lower yourself down and press back up. Handstand push-up sets are hard to maintain so keep that in mind when deciding how many to do during each work period.
AMRAP in 15 Minutes
200M Run
10 Deadlifts 225/155 lb
Workout notes
We have a very simple and classic couplet today. For the deadlift we’re looking for a weight that is in the 60% range of your 1RM. Going unbroken is not required but you should be able to perform each round of 10 in 2-3 sets. Remember your setup before every set on the deadlift. Set your back and keep it static, bending only at the hip and knees! The run will act as a little bit of recovery for you but push the pace and try to move quickly so you don’t lose too much time getting out to the two hundred meter mark and back.