May 5, 2019


8 rounds with 3 minutes on 1 minute off

400M Run
Max reps one-arm dumbbell hang clean & jerk 50/35 lb
400M Run
Max reps pull-ups

Workout notes

Today’s workout is an eight round interval workout with three minutes to accumulate as many reps as possible of hang clean clean & jerks and pull-ups in each round.  You will have four opportunities with each movement and start each round with a 400M run. Most of your time in each round will probably be spent on the run so scale that movement if needed to give yourself at least a full minute to accumulate reps. If close to a two minute 400M run is not a sustainable effort for you, scale the run distance down to 300 or 200M.  Use a dumbbell weight that allows you to easily complete several large sets, alternating arms as needed. Break up the work as you see fit but do your best to distribute the work evenly across both arms.  In the even rounds you will be going straight from the run to the pull-up bar. Pull-ups can be scaled as usual with ring rows, jumping pull-ups or banded pull-ups. If you decide on using a band you will want to make sure you can quickly and easily get into the band as you won’t have much time on the bar.  The 400M run pace should be faster than if you were running them in a normal AMRAP. Push yourself to run faster than usual so that you can bank as much time as possible on the scored movements.

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