May 10, 2019


15×1 strict weighted pull-up with 3 second pause and slow lower down

This skill has us working on upper body strength.  Your task is to complete fifteen single pull-ups at a resistance level you find moderately difficult.   The intent is not to find a max effort weighted pull-up but to accumulate some volume with a difficult pull-up and a weighted hold.  If you scale this appropriately you should find it doable but definitely on the challenging side as far as pull-ups go. Most of us will want to start with a light weight or even just go with bodyweight and try to maintain that effort for all fifteen reps. If you are able to hold for three seconds and slowly lower down then increase the weight slightly until you can find a weight you can use for your remaining reps.  For those of you scaling with a band or ring rows you’ll want to try this without weight and really concentrate on executing the hold and slow lower down making each pull-up as difficult as possible. If you are doing ring rows you can choose to do 15 sets of 2-3 reps consecutively rather than just one at a time.


“The Chief”

5 rounds of 3 minutes on 1 minute of

3 Power Cleans 135/95 lb
6 Push-ups
9 Squats


This workout is a classic CrossFit workout and a CFD favorite.  Score each cycle separately and don’t forget to pace yourself! It’s a good idea to treat this workout like you would a Tabata style workout trying to achieve the close to the same score in each cycle.  You have a 19 minute workout and a total of 15 minutes of work so plan for a longer workout!

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