May 20, 2019


EMOM for 10 Minutes
1 slow pull power snatch

Today’s skill work has us practicing using some control in the first pull of the power snatch.   Start by setting up for a snatch and then pull the bar off of the floor in a controlled fashion.  Keep the bar moving slower than normal in the first part of the lift and remember to keep your hips down.  The best way to know if you are performing the lift properly is to pay attention to your back angle.  The hips and shoulders should rise together until the bar passes your knees.  From that point you can aggressively open up the hips and receive the bar overhead with arms extended.   There are total of ten opportunities in this skill work so make them count.  Practice controlling your mechanics and using the most efficient technique possible rather than maxing out with a heavy lift.


AMRAP in 10 Minutes
50 Push-ups
50 Alternating dumbbell power cleans 50/35 lb

Workout notes

We’ll have ten minutes on the clock to tackle two difficult movements that come in very large sets.  For most of us a set of fifty push-ups is going to be fairly tough so plan on breaking the set up early and often.  Small sustainable chunks of reps with short rest will probably be the best strategy rather than maxing out early and hitting failure.  For the dumbbell cleans we’ll alternate arms every rep which should allow you to handle larger sets by slowing down your cadence a bit and controlling your breathing.  Using this strategy you’ll be able to let your opposite arm recover while the other arm is working so you can keep moving without stopping for too long.

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