June 10, 2019


Front squat w/2 second pause in bottom of squat

Today’s skill work is again working on one of our fundamental movements but we’re taking a departure from how we normally see this strength work and focusing on positioning.  Work up to a moderate load and stick with one weight across all three sets or increase slightly when you get to your working weights. Remember to maintain your posture throughout the rep and after the pause. That means keeping your knees tracking over your feet with your elbows and chest up.  Spend a moment in the bottom of your deepest squat position and drive upward keeping your chest up.  Adding the pause in the bottom of the squat will increase the difficulty of the lift so be conservative and shoot for something in the 75 to 80% range at most.


AMRAP in 10 Minutes *


7 Kettlebell swings 32/24 kg EMOM *


Your score for today’s workout will be the total number of push-ups completed in ten minutes.  You will have a “buy in” of seven kettlebell swings every minute starting at 0:00. Do your best to move quickly through the swings and scale the load/volume if needed so you leave at least forty-five seconds to work on push-ups.  Remember that the push-ups will fall off fast so break them up early and often. Do your best to keep moving and knock out a small set immediately after you get off your last kettlebell swing.

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