EMOM for 10 Minutes
Straight set of kipping pull-ups or kipping swings
For this skill work you will be working on maintaining a set of kipping pull-ups for 10 rounds (:30 seconds max). If you are new to the skill you should be working the cadence and timing of your swing so you can link repetitions together. That usually means working on small sets of 2-5 for each round. Leave yourself plenty of rest so you can lower the intensity and keep this as skill work. If you are still working on building the strength to support kipping swings and pull-ups work for about 30 seconds performing jumping pull-ups with a slow lower down. If you are able to string together 10 or so c-kip pull-ups talk to a coach about learning the butterfly pull-up! Advanced athletes should be working on stringing together sets of chest-to-bar pull-ups and testing your work capacity for this skill.
for time
18 Thrusters 115/85 lb
400M Run
15 Thrusters 115/85 lb
400M Run
12 Thrusters 115/85 lb
400M Run
9 Thrusters 115/85 lb
Today’s workout is a classic CrossFit couplet. Your thruster weight should be something light enough that you could start that first round in a large set and finish the round in two or three sets total. Breaking up your thruster sets early might be a good idea given how much running you have in front of you. The runs are weighted heavily in terms of time spent for this so you don’t want to spend the first half recovering from a max effort set of thrusters!