EMOM for 10 Minutes
1 Slow pull squat clean + squat clean
We’re working on some positional awareness in the squat clean today in this two rep barbell complex. Start by lifting the bar from the floor as you keep your hips low and your back upright. Practice pulling the bar off of the floor under control and gradually increase speed without compromising your upper body positioning. As the bar passes your knees, violently open the hips to create vertical lift and quickly drop into a receiving position. After you complete your first rep reset the barbell on the floor and perform another rep, this time take the bar at full speed. Ideally your mechanics are the same in both lifts. You will have ten opportunities to work on this complex so make every rep count. Remember that this is skill work so maxing out your lift is not a priority. Start light and work up to a moderate load that allows you to test a reasonable weight but do not sacrifice your mechanics.
AMRAP in 10 Minutes
10 Push-ups
3 Front squats 155/105 lb
Workout notes
Today’s workout is a short and classic couplet. We’re pairing an upper body pressing movement with a squatting movement. The benchmark load for the squat is moderately heavy. This would be a great opportunity to test a heavier barbell weight than you normally might use in a workout because of the small set size. If you do step up the load on the bar we still want you to be able to complete most if not all of the workout by completed unbroken sets of three. If you do have to put the bar down because of the load then you have gone too heavy. Push-ups are a movement that fatigues quickly so break them up early and often if needed. Scale to a reasonably difficult standard and do your best to hold that for the entire workout.