August 10, 2019


In teams of 2 or 3

AMRAP in 30 Minutes

50 Wall ball shots 20/14 lb 10/9′
35 Sandbag cleans 100/70 lb
200M uneven farmer carry

Workout notes

Today we have another fun partner workout for groups of two or three.  Grab a sandbag, medicine ball, dumbbell and kettlebell with weights  you and your partner(s) can agree on.  Start with  fifty wall ball shots trading the medicine ball as often as you need to to work continuously.   The wall ball shots do not need to be distributed evenly but break up the work so that all partners are sharing in the effort.  After you finish the wall ball shots work through the large set of sandbag cleans.    Alternating reps in a conga line will probably be the most efficient as you’ll be getting rest after every rep but just like the wall ball shots one partner can take on more work if needed. The same thing goes for the farmer carry.  No need to be a hero, set the objects down as needed so that you are always moving.  At thirty minutes total we’re looking at a fairly long workout.  The best approach will most likely be to treat this like an interval style workout where you are resting while the other partners are working.  That means no one should be performing set sizes that are way outside of their capabilities.  Use the additional rest to your advantage and make sure someone is always working.


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