August 28, 2019


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EMOM for 10 Minutes

1 Squat Snatch with pause below the knees + 1 Squat Snatch

Today we’ll be working the difficult squat snatch.  Start with a full snatch pausing at the knees and follow that up with another rep at full speed.  As you lift the bar off of the floor your hips and shoulders should rise together.  Pause with the barbell below your knees and the drive the bar up by explosively opening the hips.  Receive the bar overhead while you quickly descend into an overhead squat.  The overhead squat requires a high level of mobility. Make your best effort to descend safely into your deepest squat possible.  This does not have to be a touch and go style lift so reset the bar on the floor and follow yourself


for time


Sit-ups with a medicine ball 20/14 lb
Box Jumps 24/20″

Workout notes

Today we have a high volume of two body weight movements.  With this many box jumps  you’ll want to establish as sustainable cadence that is a bit slower than how you would approach a few reps in a sprint. This number of box jumps may be unfamiliar so consider scaling by lowering the volume or the height of your box. One option would be to cut the number of reps in each round in half or drop off that first round of forty entirely.

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