September 4, 2019


EMOM for 10 Minutes
30 seconds of strict pull-ups, banded strict pull-ups or supine ring rows.

Spend 10 minutes working on building some upper body pulling strength. Give yourself a 30 second limit in each minute and commit to maintaining strict pulling. It’s probably not a good idea to go for a max set early on so work in as many sets as you need to for the full 30 seconds and transition to rest. Use the most difficult movement standard that you can and don’t worry about stringing together reps if it means sacrificing using strict form.


AMRAP in 20 Minutes

5-10-15-20-25 … *

Hang power cleans 115/85 lb

200M Run after every round of cleans

Workout notes

Today we have a couplet of running and hang power cleans. The rep scheme starts with an easy set of five cleans followed up by a 200M run.  Every time you return from the run you’ll start a set of cleans adding five to your previous number. The first couple of rounds should feel fairly easy with your chosen weight so scale appropriately and think about how you will tackle  those later rounds when fatigue sets in.

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