September 27, 2019


Every 90 seconds for 8 rounds

20 Double unders then 1 squat clean

Today we have an alternate timing and a different challenge for our barbell work.  We’ll use a ninety second interval timer and you will have eight opportunities to work up to a strong effort squat clean.  Start each round with an easy set on the jump rope.  If you are proficient at the double unders complete twenty and then move to the barbell for one lift.  If you are still working on double unders scale the volume to a number you can complete in about twenty to thirty seconds.  If double unders are new to you complete twenty single unders but attempt at least one double under in every round. Give yourself a thirty second cap so you have plenty of time to attempt a clean regardless of how the double unders go.


for time


power cleans 115/85 lb
front squats 115/85 lb

Workout notes

Yesterday’s workout was fairly long one with an emphasis on bodyweight skills.  This couplet differs in that both movements feature the barbell and should have a much shorter sprint type feel to it.  The benchmark load on the bar is intended to be light.  You should be able to tackle each round by starting with a few touch and go reps or by knocking out quick singles with very little rest between reps.  Remember to adequately test both barbell skills and scale the load based on which one is more difficult.

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