EMOM for 10 Minutes
1 Squat snatch
Spend ten minutes working up to a strong effort squat snatch. The squat snatch is probably the most difficult lift that we do so start light and learn the mechanics of the lift before you start working with heavy loads. If you are new to the movement start by catching the bar in the power position and slowly ride the bar down into the bottom of your overhead squat. Squat to the deepest depth that you can while keeping your elbows locked out and your shoulders in their optimal position.
For time
Power Snatch 95/65 lb
Thrusters 95/65 lb
Workout notes
Today’s workout is a barbell couplet with an ascending rep scheme. Starting with one rep of each movement and moving on to two and three and so on until you finish the round of ten. That will mean a total of fifty-five reps of each movement. This is a difficult rep scheme and a difficult pair of movements so be conservative with the weights you choose. Use a weight light enough that you could perform the reps in sets rather than singles throughout the entire workout. Consider the fact that the majority of the workout happens in the last few rounds and save something in the tank for a strong finish!