2019 Hometown Hoedown Events

EVENT 1,2 – “48 burpees (and some barbell stuff)”

With a clock set for 12 minutes

Part A

for time (10 minute cap for this portion)

21 Lateral burpees over the bar
18 Hang power cleans
15 Lateral burpees over the bar
12 Front squats
9 Lateral burpees over the bar
6 Hang squat cleans
3 Lateral burpees over the bar

then with your remaining time

Part B

Work up to a max effort clean.

This workout will have two scores.  The time or total completed reps in the first workout and your total pounds lifted in the second workout.


“All divisions”

You may start lifting any time after you complete Part A.  A power, split or squat clean is acceptable for your max lift.
All plates used during the lifting portion of the workout must be re-stacked neatly on the floor following your final lift.


135/95 lb and a two footed jump over the barbell.


95/65 lb and step over burpees permitted.

EVENT 3 – “Numbers”


for time (8 minute cap)

3 Rounds of
8 Alternating dumbbell snatch 50/35 lb
7 Toe to bar

4 rounds of
6 alternating dumbbell snatch 50/35 lb
5 Pull-ups *

5 rounds of
4 alternating dumbbell snatch 50/35 lb
3 bar muscle ups

* Tiebreak time will be the end of the 4th round of pull-ups.


for time

3 Rounds of
8 Alternating dumbbell snatch 35/20 lb
14 Sit-ups

4 rounds of
6 alternating dumbbell snatch 35/20 lb
10 Sit-ups with a medicine ball 20/14 lb *

5 rounds of
4 alternating dumbbell snatch 35/20 lb
6 Strict push-ups

* Tiebreak time will be the end of the round of the 4th round of sit-ups.



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